Daily Archives: September 23, 2004

Busy busy and more busy and now throw in a trip to Cleavland in a few weeks….

Spent the last few weeks trying to get ready for the winter and my trip to Cleveland (more on that in a bit). For the last few weekends, I have been into work either getting the “Big Cube” cleaned or working converting a few machines from 98 to XP. I have been to NYC a few times. Twice to the new office space and a third to get the tape backup installed on the NYC server. It looks like I will be going to NYC a lot between now and the trip. We are moving the office from mid-town down to the financial district. From the new office suite, we can look right down into the World Trade Centers hole. It will be interesting watching them convert it into the park. I have taken the Path train from Newark to the WTC site now 2 times not a bad way to get into the city. I will miss Penn Station.

Now the trip to Cleveland…
