OS upgrade server and dancing……

Spent the day working on little projects and getting ready to build a “temp” server. I have to upgrade 2 servers from Red Hat 7.2 to RHEL 4. So I need a server up and running while I do the upgrade to transfer the data and services while I upgrade the OS. This way I don’t have to rush the builds and can get everything right.

Avery’s last day at Lawrence Intermediate School was today. She got on the honor roll all 4 marking periods and had good report cards all year. So we took her out for dinner at the Chines Buffet after we got some stuff done.

Spent the night working on getting billing done for the business and getting the ticket count figured out for the LUG/IP baseball night.

Tomorrow night starts the beginning of Dance Recital week. Avery has a dress rehearsal and then her first performance is on Friday night and second on Sat. My parents come to town on Sat for it. So it should be fun…