I have been working for the past 20 years in the IT field, and in all that time I have never had one person I would go to for advice. At times in the past year I have felt that I have been floundering in my work life. For the last 11 years at my current job I really don’t have anyone who I can go talk to in the company about IT issues or management help since I am the IT department. I work with both Windows and Linux and do desktop support and do all the paper work and budgeting for the department.
I really don’t how to get a mentorship relationship set up or how to find a person that wants to be my mentor. I know that LOPSA has a great mentorship program going, but it’s mostly on project by project basis, but I don’t need that at this point. I am looking for a mentor to guide and point me in the right direction on improving my work life.
So if you have any ideas on how I can find a mentor or are interested in becoming my mentor please get in touch.