Looking for a relaxing RPG game

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (abbreviated as PFRPG) is a fantasy role-playing game (RPG) first published in 2009 by Paizo Publishing. It extends and modifies the Revised 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons‘ game rules published by Wizards of the Coast under the Open Game License, and was designed over the course of a year with the help of gamers who could download the playtest versions of the game, try the system and post their feedback on Paizo’s website. Announced in March 2008, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game was released in August 2009. The PFRPG is intended to be backward-compatible with D&D 3.5, while addressing some of its issues.
This seems like a good alternative to D&D these days. I am looking to put a group together that would be interested in playing either Pathfinder or straight D&D. I don’t want to be the game master but just a player. So if you are local to Lawrenceville, NJ drop me a line and if we get enough people we can get a campaign going.