I am still undecided of what I really want to do with the rest of my life. Do I want to stay in IT or do I want to go to back to the radio on-air world. There are a lot of pros and cons in both. The biggest con to the radio thing is that I haven’t been on the air in 26 years so no sound checks except those from the late 80’s and early 90’s when I sounded good but I didn’t have the music knowledge I have now and better ideas for a show that would work at a small Classic Rock Album Oriented station.
A few weeks ago I was in front of a crowd doing my radio voice thing and it felt good and made me really miss being on the air entertaining people and educating them in some good music…not just Rock ‘N Roll, but all kinds of music and how it all fits together and can shape the sound track of the day or your life.
But then there are the cons of staying in IT as well. Such as I have worked the last two and half years working remotely and that was great, because I could go work from anywhere with an Internet connection and I really don’t want to give that up, but I am also missing that face to face interaction with coworkers that you get with working in an office.
There are many pros to both careers that are too numerous to mention here today. Want to know give me a call or take me out for a beer and some food.
I am also not sure I want to stay in the greater New Jersey area now. The cost of living is through the roof and of course the pace is much faster. The cons of getting out of this area is the ease of access to New York City and Philadelphia and of course moving away from my family, but I think it’s time for a change of location. Will it be going back up to Bath/Corning to be closer to my parents or will it be heading south or will I just move to a smaller place in the New Jersey/Pennsylvania area? It all depends on what the employment gods send me.
Also is it time for the long hair to go? I have thought about this for a while as well as working on getting a cleaner look and style. I have looked at some old photos of people from my past and liking how we all dressed back in the day and I don’t mean the weird 80’s and 90’s fashions but the tried and true classic styles that have made it through the ages. I think it’s time for me to grow up a little and look the part of the almost 50-year-old.
Other then the loss of job and not really sure what I want to do with my life or where I want to go. I am working on getting all the negatives out of my life so I can focus on the positives and enjoy life and the fun things that are coming my way. So keep your hands and feet in the car because it’s going be a roller costar of a ride if you want to join me on this thing called life get in the car!