Work Stuff

I’ll do it my way in the Big Apple

07:00 Currently 77°F Feels like 80°F
Well off to New York to install Firewall. Shouldn’t be to bad.

Didn’t do much last night, just hung out with Avery and Carolyn and worked on the jabber server. Had to build and install the ICQv7-t module, the AIM module wasn’t passing the information from out in the real world to the server. It took about 20 min to get the v7-t module working and talking to the world. Now I just have to get the startup script Alan let me have working on the server.

Well off to the train station.

It’s going to be a hot one today!

08:15 Currently 71°F Feels like 81°F
Forgot how much fun it is to have a kitten in the house. She is now so use to us and the house that she is climbing on us and all the furniture and playing with anything she can get her paws on.

Starting the hottest day of the week today. It’s already 77 at 8:17am. I almost have the jabber server working and have to test it. Another thanks to Arcterex for his input on it since he got his running a few weeks ago.

Working on the Firewall for the New York office’s DSL line. Going to try to get it shipped there today so I can go tomorrow and install it and be done with it. Then I can start the VPN project.

work and more work

Well the day is going well. Having to load win98 on the accounting machine so I can set it up to back up to Cd. Not much else going on. Finally got Network Solutions to accept the DNS change for

Web and DNS work and Harry Potter

Well it’s been awhile. I have been busy working on the company web site. It should be ready in the next few hours. I need a break from it. I am going to start working on getting the DNS server working and up with one of the new domains we bought. I m going to try and get back into the habit of updating the journal. Finished the 3rd Harry Potter book this morning. I hope someone gets the 4th one for Avery.

Graphic art and Mankind

Busy last 3 days. I was all ready to work on the web site for work yesterday, but NK handed me 3 pictures to splice together then cut into 5. I got that done right before 5. I know that they will be back on my chair for me to label. That should take the next 2 days with overtime….

Carolyn got tickets the other day to hear Mike Foley speak at The Collage of NJ last night. Great talk. He told some wrestling stories and talked about his book. He did about a 1/2 hour question and answer period after wards. He then signed his book if you had it. I got our copy of “Have a Nice Day” signed. He is a nice guy and talked to everyone who had the books signed..

Web page work and house cleaning

Well it took most of the day yesterday to get the picture labeled and cleaned up for NK. Today wasn’t to bad. Going to start work on the web page soon. Saw what they tried to do and can see why Mike didn’t like it.

Plan on working around the house tonight, hope to get the computer room cleaned and maybe get the web cam working.